Monique Alexandria says…

Decisions, Decisions
January 24, 2012, 8:54 PM
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I’m trying to decide my next hair color.

Should I stay a redhead?

Or perhaps go back to blonde?

Or maybe I should revisit my brunette roots?

Thoughts friends?  Is there a totally different look that I should try out?  Next hair appointment is sometime next month!  Help me decide 🙂

The Many Emotions of a You
January 23, 2012, 8:28 PM
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Some days you’re down.  Whenever that happens, let your ego inflate and tell yourself how great of a person you are.  Your situation will still be the same, but you’ll remember that whoever put you in your bad mood sucks and you’re AWESOME!


January 19, 2012, 8:24 PM
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After I graduated from college, my brain got dumb.  I’ve decided as part of my Goal Calendar, I shall attempt to educate myself on something new at least once a month.  I’d like to become knowledgeable enough to be able to feel confident in informing someone else about the subject.

First thing to educate myself on:  The history of Coca-Cola!

Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop
January 18, 2012, 7:19 PM
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Whenever I get in a weird mindset, I get fixated on one song and play it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and overandoverandoverandoverandoverandafl;jad saf;d………….

January 17, 2012, 6:36 PM
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I’m one of those people who reads something that says, “if you don’t walk on one leg for 12 hours straight, you’ll be eaten by a goat” and believes it 😦  When this happens, I go a little over the top in trying to prevent the bad thing from happening.  I have always been a vitamin advocate, but my assortment is a little off the wall.

  • I’ve been told many times I don’t get enough fiber, so on occasion I’ll take a fiber pill, aka poop generator.
  • My nails are really brittle, I have acne and my hair sometimes feel like straw, so I take a vitamin that supposedly helps with this.
  • I watched a documentary called “Food Matters” and had an eye opening moment.  I learned that Niacin can help with depression, and I was already familiar with St. John’s Wort, so I take both of these to make sure I’m the always bubbly personality that I’m known for.  NO ONE likes a Debbie Downer.
  • Finally, I take cranberry pills just because it is apprently really common for women to get urinary tract infections just because of the way their bodies are, so I want to make sure urinating continues to be a relieving sensation instead of burning.

Yeah, my vitamin choices are strange, and I change them up a lot, but it never hurts to supplement your (probably very unhealthy) diet with things that will help you function perfectly!

Going Green
January 16, 2012, 9:10 PM
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I have come up with another goal!  I want to go on a vacation sometime this year.  And by vacation I don’t mean my usual weekend jaunt up to Northern Virginia to see my friend(?)  Sooooooo, I’m starting an old fashioned piggy bank.  I have a couple of bank accounts, but I think it is cuter and more satifying to get a glass milk bottle and watch your money pile up!  Now to decide where to go…

January 12, 2012, 9:07 PM
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I’m THE.WORST. when it comes to staying in contact with people.  I just for the life of me can’t pick up a phone to call someone, don’t answer texts, hardly ever reply to emails, etc.  It is nothing personal though!  I see the contact from person X and mean to reply, but get distracted by something like food or tv, and by the time I “remember” to get back to them, it’s been 6 months…

I am determined to get better.  I’ve already hung out with two people over the past few weeks that I hadn’t seen in at least 1-2 years.  I’m proud of me, and I plan on continuing my path of better communication with friends and family!

I will keep in touch, I WILL keep in touch I WILL KEEP IN TOUCH!

Honey Do List
January 11, 2012, 9:22 PM
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Today’s Goal Calendar goal was to complete my honey do list!  You don’t realize how fast they can spiral out of control until you sit down and start trying to check things off!

1. Mail off packages

2. Organize my jewelry onto my new hanging wall thingy from Ikea

3. Take unwanted items to the “charity store”

4. Water my mom’s plants

5. Get gas!  The light has been on for 2 days now Monique

6. Get dog and cat food

7.  Make it rain on the bank

8. Watch some of the crap on the dvr before it fills up completely

9. Look around and make sure I haven’t missed anything

I’m definitely going to pull one of these in a few minutes!

You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile
January 10, 2012, 6:33 PM
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My family was hit with a blow this week when my grandmother passed away.  I had already started on another one of my Goal Calendar goals when I learned of the news, but am determined not to take a day off. 

My goal is to post 365 days of “smile portraits.”  There is so much negativity in the world and I have been feeling a lot of that lately, but one thing that always puts someone in a better mood is seeing a smile.  If I can help cheer someone else’s day up just with a smile, then I feel really good about myself.  Try it.  A smile is worth a million positive vibes.


Exercise the demons
January 9, 2012, 7:31 PM
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Part of my quest to better myself in 2012 includes getting into better physical shape.  In high school, which was a lot longer ago than I’d like to think, I worked out 6 days a week at the gym as well as maintaining a two sport season.  Luckily, I have a naturally athletic build so even when I’m not in shape I can still pass as so, but when I turned 25 I really noticed a change in my body.  I could barely get up the stairs without getting winded, and I just had no motivation to workout. 

I have been doing Pilates for the past 4(?) years now, but I’m noticing that is not quite enough activity to keep me in shape.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE pilates and it has done wonders for my flexibility, but I need a liiiiiittle bit more to supplement the benefits of that.

Look!  It’s my pilates studio!

Last night’s Goal Calendar goal was to create a basic workout plan for myself.  Here’s what I’ve come up with to help whip me into shape, so I can get the Kerry Walsh body of my dreams!

MONDAYS:  Pilates

TUESDAYS:  Arm workout

WEDNESDAYS:  Leg workout


FRIDAYS:  Elliptical workout

SATURDAYS:  Stretches

SUNDAYS:  Ab exercises

I’ll probably change up the routine once a month, but that covers most of the bases of my body.  What kind of workout plan do you adhere to?  Is my plan well rounded enough?  Is there anything else I’m missing?

I’d love for my body to be mistaken for that of Kerry Walsh’s