Monique Alexandria says…

Organizing a hoarder in a small space
January 5, 2012, 5:15 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

You may or may not know that I LOVE “stuff.”  Both of my grandmothers have lots of things, my mother has a lot of things, and therefore, I was destined to become a boderline hoarder…or maybe a full blown one, but I’m not willing to accept that yet.

On my Goal Calendar for today I have written, “IMMACULATE LIVING SPACES!”  I pet sit a lot which sees me staying at other people’s homes, and there is nothing more depressing than living out of a suitcase for a few days and then coming home to a cluttered space.  I start a new pet sitting job today that is going to take me into February, so I decided to clean up my living spaces in my home so that when I do come home, it’s to perfection!

My closet stays fairly organized, but I thought I might share how I keep it as such with you.  As mentioned before, I have a lot of things, and I don’t have a big space to keep them in.  I don’t have a walk in closet, so to best utilize the space, I commissioned my father to put in a double hanging bar a few months ago for me.  I also have several stackable cubes that I keep items in.

This is my closet organized.  It may look like there is a lot going in, and granted there is, but everything is in a logical order.  I have dresses, jackets, and sweaters on the top bar.  The bottom bar is for skirts and shorts.  I also have cubes to hold the magazines I collect (anything with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen on the cover, etc.) and one three tiered cube that has t-shirts from different bands that I like. 

Here you can see a close up of some of my cubes.  There are two blue boxes on top of the cubes.  One holds my underwear, the other holds my socks.  It works well for me.  I keep my bangle style bracelets in a little blue box down at the bottom, my very first license plate as a decoration in front of my magazines, and some of my more used bags/purses in the empty space beside some more magazines!This is the other stackable cube I have in my closet.  It holds some of my t-shirts.  One top of it are two small black and white boxes that hold my stockings!  Truth be told, I need one more, but I make do with the two I have 🙂

Finally, the top of my closet.  This is where the design plan didn’t quiiiiite work out 100%.  I’m a fairly tall girl (5’8?), so my clothes obviously hang a little longer.  That didn’t leave much clearance at the top of my closet, but there is just enough to get what I need in and out.  I keep my sweatshirts up here, my jeans, and my work pants.  I also have a box in the far corner that holds beach supplies (I never go to the beach, so it isn’t easily accessible) and the other corner holds stackable boxes that keep some scarves in them.

Now that you’ve taken a peak into my closet, share with me some tips.  Is there anything I can do to make it even MORE functional?  Have I done something in mine that you might implement into your own?  Keep checking back with me to continue on my journey of becoming a better person in 2012!

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