Monique Alexandria says…

Exercise the demons
January 9, 2012, 7:31 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

Part of my quest to better myself in 2012 includes getting into better physical shape.  In high school, which was a lot longer ago than I’d like to think, I worked out 6 days a week at the gym as well as maintaining a two sport season.  Luckily, I have a naturally athletic build so even when I’m not in shape I can still pass as so, but when I turned 25 I really noticed a change in my body.  I could barely get up the stairs without getting winded, and I just had no motivation to workout. 

I have been doing Pilates for the past 4(?) years now, but I’m noticing that is not quite enough activity to keep me in shape.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE pilates and it has done wonders for my flexibility, but I need a liiiiiittle bit more to supplement the benefits of that.

Look!  It’s my pilates studio!

Last night’s Goal Calendar goal was to create a basic workout plan for myself.  Here’s what I’ve come up with to help whip me into shape, so I can get the Kerry Walsh body of my dreams!

MONDAYS:  Pilates

TUESDAYS:  Arm workout

WEDNESDAYS:  Leg workout


FRIDAYS:  Elliptical workout

SATURDAYS:  Stretches

SUNDAYS:  Ab exercises

I’ll probably change up the routine once a month, but that covers most of the bases of my body.  What kind of workout plan do you adhere to?  Is my plan well rounded enough?  Is there anything else I’m missing?

I’d love for my body to be mistaken for that of Kerry Walsh’s


2 Comments so far
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GOod luck on your quest for supermodel-dom, Monique. Even though I think you’re pretty hot now 🙂

Comment by Clare

I’m far from supermodel status, but thank you dahling.

Comment by moniquealexandria

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