Monique Alexandria says…

Honey Do List
January 11, 2012, 9:22 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today’s Goal Calendar goal was to complete my honey do list!  You don’t realize how fast they can spiral out of control until you sit down and start trying to check things off!

1. Mail off packages

2. Organize my jewelry onto my new hanging wall thingy from Ikea

3. Take unwanted items to the “charity store”

4. Water my mom’s plants

5. Get gas!  The light has been on for 2 days now Monique

6. Get dog and cat food

7.  Make it rain on the bank

8. Watch some of the crap on the dvr before it fills up completely

9. Look around and make sure I haven’t missed anything

I’m definitely going to pull one of these in a few minutes!

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