Monique Alexandria says…

January 12, 2012, 9:07 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’m THE.WORST. when it comes to staying in contact with people.  I just for the life of me can’t pick up a phone to call someone, don’t answer texts, hardly ever reply to emails, etc.  It is nothing personal though!  I see the contact from person X and mean to reply, but get distracted by something like food or tv, and by the time I “remember” to get back to them, it’s been 6 months…

I am determined to get better.  I’ve already hung out with two people over the past few weeks that I hadn’t seen in at least 1-2 years.  I’m proud of me, and I plan on continuing my path of better communication with friends and family!

I will keep in touch, I WILL keep in touch I WILL KEEP IN TOUCH!

6 Comments so far
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you should write on your agenda a name for every day! so you can send a message for a friend of yours per day! haha kisses&

Comment by etrapar

good idea! Thanks!

Comment by moniquealexandria

I am the exact same way. I blame on the fact that I am a Navy brat and growing up I moved every two years. So I am really good at MAKING friends, but I am not good at maintaining them (or valuing friendship as much as I should). We can work on this together!

Comment by Clare

Yes, we need to!

Comment by moniquealexandria

I’m going to stop texting people altogether. people never respond to me soooooo….yeah. and I don’t talk on the phone unless it is to my mom dad sister or fiance.

Comment by designlessthts

Haha! Well, as long as you don’t go tooooo far into your hiddie hole!

Comment by moniquealexandria

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