Monique Alexandria says…

Hay-ulp Mayyyyy
March 31, 2012, 10:16 PM
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I joined a gym on Tuesday.  Today was the first time I went.  Good lordy I am out of shape!  I did 30 minutes of cardio–an elliptical, and nearly keeled over by the time I finished.  My heart rate went up to 192!  I’m lucky I didn’t have a heart attack haha.  Note to self:  You will not survive Zombie ‘Pocalypse if you don’t exercise religiously, starting immediately.  The slow movements of pilates have spoiled me these past few years.

Me, dead after getting home.  Don’t be alarmed, my bed sheets are going into the washer, so it’s ok that I’m sweating on them right now.


Why I’m So Weird: Past Part 1
March 23, 2012, 6:10 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

When I was little, I used to climb over our wooden fence rather than unlock the gate to get into the backyard.

The scene of the crime

Diary of a Juicer: Day 3
March 19, 2012, 9:53 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

I finished my cleanse yesterday.  Day three was unusually hard.  Even the delicious juices started tasting horrible.  Obviously it meant it was working.  Everyone keeps asking me today how I feel and if I’ve seen any change, etc.  I’m not sure to be honest.  I was looking at myself in my unnerwearz and I felt like I looked slimmer and trimmer, but that could totally be my imagination.  I also feel “cleaner” from the inside, but again, it could just be my imagination.  I am still very happy that I did the cleanse, and can’t wait to try my Blueprint Cleanse in a couple of weeks to see how the two compare.

Here’s to continuing on my health path 🙂

Diary of a Juicer: Day 2
March 17, 2012, 9:03 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

Well hello my friends.  I’ve made it to just about the end of day 2!  I have one more juice to go and I’ll be done for the day.  I thought I’d take this blog to share the tastes of the juices.

Juice #1 Kale, Spinach, Romaine, Parsley, Cucumber, Celery, Apple, Lemon, Ginger

This juice was not as bad as I expected.  I taste the cucumber more than anything.  It kind of just tastes like a slightly sweet blended cucumber haha!  It wouldn’t be something I would choose on a regular basis, but it’s not actually a bad taste.


Juice #2 Carrot, Apple, Ginger

This juice tastes EXACTLY like a soup I made a few weeks ago (carrot ginger soup), which I love, so I was content with this one 🙂  I’m now thinking the next time I make the soup, I’ll throw in some apple!


Juice #3 Cucumber, Celery, Watercress, Lemon, Ginger, Cayenne

Not a big fan of this juice.  I thought the lemon would give it enough of a “fruit” taste to make up for drinking straight liquified produce, but not so much.  I make sure to chug this one when I drink it.  Also, it settles the most out of all the juices, so it just looks unappealing.


Juice #4 Pineapple, Green Apple, Mint

YUM!  This is a real treat after having to drink that yucky green juice.  I can really taste the mint which is suprisingly refreshing.  I could see this being a favorite daily drink once I one day get my own juicer.


Juice #5 Beet, Apple, Lemon, Ginger

I kinda thought this juice would taste better than it did.  It’s not too bad, but it kind of tastes like it has dirt undertones…I’ve never had beets before (that I know of) so I wasn’t sure what to expect from them.  Doug Funnie says they are nature’s candy, and if that is the candy nature is serving up, I’ll pass.


Juice #6 Almond, Dates, Vanilla Bean, Sea Salt, Filtered Water

Wow!  This is sooooooooooooooooo good.  It tastes like ice cream!  I keep trying to savor the juice, but end up drinking it super fast then being sad it is all gone.


Along with the 6 juices, which are suggested to be ingested every 2 hours, there are two more drinks provided.  One is Aloe Vera water.  It is supposed to be the last drink of your day and acts as a natural laxative.  I’m not sure that one is doing it’s job for me because my bodily functions are the same as they always are haha.  The other drink is chlorophyll water which is supposed to act as a hydration tool to be injested throughout the day.  The company also suggests that you drink 8 glasses of water on top off all the juices, but geez louise I feel like a water balloon with just trying to get through 8 juices!

In terms of what I feel from doing this for about 36 hours now, not a whole lot different.  I’ve been peeing like a racehorse, so I know that my body is flushing its system out, which is a positive thing.  I do also have a slight headache, which I believe is my body going through processed food withdrawl haha.  Tomorrow is my last day, so I’m excited to see if I see/feel anything else after having finished it.

One of the best juices of the cleanse!



Diary of a Juicer: Day 1
March 16, 2012, 10:36 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

So, as a birthday health gift to myself I decided to go on a 3 day juice cleanse through a company called Pressed Juicery.  Right now it is 10:15PM and I still have 2 1/2 juices to go!  I thought for sure I’d be starving, and it’s the total opposite.  I feel water logged right now.  I was also worried that I’d have to poo a lot too (sorry) but I’ve actually just been peeing like a mad woman hah!

I’m excited to continue with the cleanse and see if there are any changes in the way I feel.  “They” say it takes at least a week long cleanse to see or feel any changes in your body, so maybe I won’t, but hopefully I’ll be toxin free 🙂

Me trying out my first juice of the day!




Crafting Fool
March 6, 2012, 4:00 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’ve decided to dedicate one day (and by day I mean a few hours after work) at LEAST every 2 weeks to crafting.  I love to craft and I’ve gotten so wrapped up in other stupid stuff that doesn’t make me happy, that I’ve neglected letting my creative juices flow.

Here’s a random picture of a mirror in my room