Monique Alexandria says…

Diary of a Juicer: Day 2
March 17, 2012, 9:03 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

Well hello my friends.  I’ve made it to just about the end of day 2!  I have one more juice to go and I’ll be done for the day.  I thought I’d take this blog to share the tastes of the juices.

Juice #1 Kale, Spinach, Romaine, Parsley, Cucumber, Celery, Apple, Lemon, Ginger

This juice was not as bad as I expected.  I taste the cucumber more than anything.  It kind of just tastes like a slightly sweet blended cucumber haha!  It wouldn’t be something I would choose on a regular basis, but it’s not actually a bad taste.


Juice #2 Carrot, Apple, Ginger

This juice tastes EXACTLY like a soup I made a few weeks ago (carrot ginger soup), which I love, so I was content with this one 🙂  I’m now thinking the next time I make the soup, I’ll throw in some apple!


Juice #3 Cucumber, Celery, Watercress, Lemon, Ginger, Cayenne

Not a big fan of this juice.  I thought the lemon would give it enough of a “fruit” taste to make up for drinking straight liquified produce, but not so much.  I make sure to chug this one when I drink it.  Also, it settles the most out of all the juices, so it just looks unappealing.


Juice #4 Pineapple, Green Apple, Mint

YUM!  This is a real treat after having to drink that yucky green juice.  I can really taste the mint which is suprisingly refreshing.  I could see this being a favorite daily drink once I one day get my own juicer.


Juice #5 Beet, Apple, Lemon, Ginger

I kinda thought this juice would taste better than it did.  It’s not too bad, but it kind of tastes like it has dirt undertones…I’ve never had beets before (that I know of) so I wasn’t sure what to expect from them.  Doug Funnie says they are nature’s candy, and if that is the candy nature is serving up, I’ll pass.


Juice #6 Almond, Dates, Vanilla Bean, Sea Salt, Filtered Water

Wow!  This is sooooooooooooooooo good.  It tastes like ice cream!  I keep trying to savor the juice, but end up drinking it super fast then being sad it is all gone.


Along with the 6 juices, which are suggested to be ingested every 2 hours, there are two more drinks provided.  One is Aloe Vera water.  It is supposed to be the last drink of your day and acts as a natural laxative.  I’m not sure that one is doing it’s job for me because my bodily functions are the same as they always are haha.  The other drink is chlorophyll water which is supposed to act as a hydration tool to be injested throughout the day.  The company also suggests that you drink 8 glasses of water on top off all the juices, but geez louise I feel like a water balloon with just trying to get through 8 juices!

In terms of what I feel from doing this for about 36 hours now, not a whole lot different.  I’ve been peeing like a racehorse, so I know that my body is flushing its system out, which is a positive thing.  I do also have a slight headache, which I believe is my body going through processed food withdrawl haha.  Tomorrow is my last day, so I’m excited to see if I see/feel anything else after having finished it.

One of the best juices of the cleanse!



3 Comments so far
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1, 3, and 5 sound absolutely disgusting!! haha! But that sounds awesome. How much did this cleanse cost? Are you dizzy at all?

Comment by designlessthts

haha 1 and 5, not so good, but 3 isn’t bad actually! Nope–not dizzy at all! I just have a small headache, but that’s the only negative side effect I’ve seen so far. The cost wasn’t cheap! With overnight shipping (which by itself costs an arm and a leg) from the manufacturer to me, and 3 days of 8 drinks was just under $200. I figured paying this was cheaper than having to buy a juicer which is already a $100 investment, plus buying all the organic products to make on my own, it was just more cost effective to go with a company known for doing this for my first attempt.

Comment by moniquealexandria

oh yeah, that is way more cost effective!! If I am ever brave enough to do that cleanse I will have to try this same one out.

Comment by designlessthts

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