Monique Alexandria says…

Diary of a Juicer: Day 3
March 19, 2012, 9:53 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

I finished my cleanse yesterday.  Day three was unusually hard.  Even the delicious juices started tasting horrible.  Obviously it meant it was working.  Everyone keeps asking me today how I feel and if I’ve seen any change, etc.  I’m not sure to be honest.  I was looking at myself in my unnerwearz and I felt like I looked slimmer and trimmer, but that could totally be my imagination.  I also feel “cleaner” from the inside, but again, it could just be my imagination.  I am still very happy that I did the cleanse, and can’t wait to try my Blueprint Cleanse in a couple of weeks to see how the two compare.

Here’s to continuing on my health path 🙂

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