Monique Alexandria says…

Who wants to help a sista out?
April 16, 2012, 10:14 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

Sooooooo….I’m starting a new accessories line, and I need some friends to model a few of the pieces so I can snap some pics.  Anyone willing to help me out?  My line is a mixture of bohemian and rocker/diva chic and will make it’s debut verrrrry soon, so time is of the essence!

Send me a message on Facebook or tweet me if you’re interested :).  Those that help me out will get a special gift from the line!



Whatcha Got There?
April 9, 2012, 9:27 PM
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’m always curious what people carry in their bags, so I decided to give a glimpse into what’s in mine!

Dun, dun DUUUUUN!  Here’s an overhead view of everything.  I know, it’s a lot.

Nail file, perfume, jewelry, pet sitting job book, tissues, Pandora catalog, vitamins, Stingray wallet, chapstick, lipstick, lipgloss, hand lotion, mirror, card holder, A Game of Thrones, and my camera and Flipcam (in the pink leopard bag)

My purse, business card holder, checkbook, savings book, gum, MVP card, and gambling cards!

Farmer’s Market application, bandana, bobbypins, hair ties, Harvested…by Monique prototypes, coin purse, hand sanitizer, lotion from Stacy Clark’s wedding goody bag, pens, and a random button from a dress I wore this weekend


What’s in your bag?  Hopefully not this much stuff!